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May Flower Availability during Covid-19

Covid-19 has caused alot of disruptions to the Australian flower market. This is mainly due to the stop or high cost of importing flowers into Australia. Availability of our usual flowers has been much lower as our local farms scramble to try and meet demand. Over Mothers day we saw a record number of people ordering much earlier than usual as social contact restrictions were...

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April Flower Availability

All the winter lines are now available with plenty of tulips, iris, freesia and hyacinths around.  Have not yet seen local ranunculus or anemone. Roses are beautiful with a full colour range available.  They look lovely in the weddings. David Austin roses have been stunning in the first half of this month and we had some lovely roses for weddings.  The supply has been a little patchy though, and some...

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Each day as we are given updates surrounding the spread of COVID-19 we are feeling more and more anxious. Anxious about health, home life, school life, family interstate & overseas, the effects all of these huge events continue to have on our kids and the effects of being small business owners.   After a rocky start in retail with the Australian Bush fires we were...

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